Friday, March 6, 2009

It's Official

Ok so here is the news that we have been praying for . . . . Baby # 3 is on the way and due Oct 30th. God has blessed me and Andy to be parents and I am so thankful for the blessing. We have been praying, dieting, and taking the meds so we might have a child together. Well, yesterday I went to the doctor and it was confirmed that we are having a child. Andy is such a great father to my two children. I know it has not been easy for him to walk into a ready made family, but now he will have the chance to start from day one and experience be a father from the beginning. Thank you God for showing us favor and blessing us with another child. Thank you for everyone that has prayed for us becuase the prayers have been answered. I am so honored to be apart of a miracle of God once again. I promise I will be better about blogging and you will be able to check on the baby's progress through the blog. Thanks for checking on us. God is Good!!